
“No one else in the business can process request for quotes or purchasing. I’m the only one who knows where to buy things or when to update pricing.”

“I am forever getting Request for Quotes done unnecessarily because I forget when I last priced the item.”

“Working out the real cost of my international supplier items is hard sometimes – which exchange rate should I use?”

“Pricing some of these products takes hours because they are so complex. Trying to deal with multiple products at once – forget it. There must be a better way.”

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We spent a lot of time with Precision Manufacturing and alpha/beta testers getting the entire pricing and purchasing module right. The list of features is quite extensive and includes flattened requirements lists, preferred suppliers and automated purchase order generation. In addition, it is also multi-currency aware. This results in substantial time savings and a simplifying of the process. As a result, a high level of automation can be achieved. You won’t want to go back.

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Flattened List

Regardless of what you are pricing, Precision Manufacturing flattens the list of requirements. You might have multiple products, they might be single or multi level, or it might just be one product. Common parts are combined so you know exactly what is needed and you get the advantage of purchasing a higher quantity at a lower price.

Sub-Contractor Items

Subcontracted items are handled just as easily as normal items. You can use them on an RFQ or Purchase Order as well as store things like attachments and pricing. Each subcontractor item can also detail what is being supplied, meaning delivery dockets will detail exactly what you are sending and PO’s will detail exactly what is required.

Individual items can be mapped to multiple suppliers, allowing for a preferred supplier and last priced date. This allows the system to automatically generate RFQs or POs for a list of items, eliminating those that were priced recently. These can then be emailed direct from the system.



Suppliers are automatically selected when generating RFQs or POs based on mappings. You can also add suppliers manually. The system allows you to choose between only mapped ones items or all items. Selecting only mapped items will only add items to each RFQ that are mapped to the supplier. In contrast, adding all items will add items regardless of whether the supplier is mapped or not. This allows you to RFQ items for which you have no supplier mapped.

The RFQ analysis then allows you to compare pricing from different suppliers, including normalising of freight and exchange rates. Simply compare and make your selection. Once you’ve finished, generating POs is a breeze.